Google Find us on Google+ Your Key to Success: Google Plus One would have a great impact on SEO

Google Plus One would have a great impact on SEO

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There have been a lot of mixed responses from the time Google Plus One button was introduced, though they are still in its initial stage.  But this cute little button could be thought provoking in terms of their great impact on SEO.
Google Plus One increase rankings
Google +1 impact on SEO

So lets examine closely, how Google Plus One can increase your site's SERP (search engine results page) rankings. 

  • Get your website indexed more quickly 
To get your site indexed on google by linking from another website, would take weeks or nearly a month.  But if the same is done by a way of sharing it through Google +1, your site would get indexed in a couple of hours. 

Of course, users need to have a public profile and be signed in Google, when they share content with the plus one button.  The same applies if you would like to view the +1 on SERP.

  •  Better Rankings on SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Google +1 button is a great snippet that helps your site to get organic links. The annotations listed in a more personalized manner with search history, would encourage users to check your site again.  Besides when a content is shared via the +1 button, it easily helps to build links that are crawled by search engines.

  • Impact through your circle of Google+ Friends
The more your circle of Google+ acquaintances and friends share via +1, the better visibility your site would get on SERP (search engine results page).  As a result, your site would notice an increase in organic traffic.  The small notes known as 'annotations' as shown in the figure below, helps your site to get better rankings.  The sole reason is that you are connected with another high profile Google+ user who shares a link through Facebook, Twitter or any other social sites.

Example of annotations on SERP
Example of Annotations on SERP

Google plus one is in its infant stage and they have more to offer in the coming days.  If all works well, it would be one of the very best webmaster tools that Google has offered so far.  Once the business pages goes live, we could expect more features. But until then, let this be a learning period getting acquainted with social search and how they would improve your rankings.

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Mark Farrell's avatar

Mark Farrell · 708 weeks ago

Wow. Great information About Google plus
Excellent information is shared in this blog. I love this blog and have bookmarked it. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Mark and Jane for your feedback.

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