Google Find us on Google+ Your Key to Success: Importance of linking blogs

Importance of linking blogs

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Blogs with .edu, .org and .gov domains are considered reliable by google and have a higher impact on all search engines.  Such blogs are specifically for universities and other educational purpose.  They are highly monitored blogs and so getting a link back from these powerful .edu blogs would also increase your blog's credibility.

backlinking with .edu sites
Backlinking with .edu sites

It is not quiet easy to find .edu or .gov blogs pertaining to your niche and those that allow you to place a comment.  Most of them are nofollow blogs, but that shouldn't be a problem as long as you get organic trafficBacklinking with at least a few education blogs itself, can have a great impact and increase your blog rankings on search engines.  Also, take note of the PR (page rankings) when you come across .edu blogs.

I have been hunting this down for long and now came across a way to find .edu blog with certain parameters.  So jump on to google search and enter the parameter as shown below. inurl:blog “post a comment” -”comments closed” -”you must be logged in” “keyword” inurl:blog “post a comment” -”comments closed” -”you must be logged in” “Keyword” inurl:comments/feed

Your search on Google after entering the parameters would look like this

Google parameters on SERP
Example of Google parameters on SERP

Note :  Instead of "Keyword", enter your niche.  

For example: "increase web traffic" 
                          "personal development"
                          "mlm network marketing"

Though there are more search parameters, I have only provided the most relevant ones to make things simple. The other search terms will need you to further keep digging the mine to find the appropriate blogs and that is time consuming.  Ok got an idea how to do it?   Now go get it  :)
Golden Rule:  Always add value to the post with interesting comments relevant to the subject.  This would help your blogs to get noted in no time and your comments to stay on these high authority .edu blogs.